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Please contact our customer services for details.
Hotline: +65 6565 6262

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Please contact our customer service for further assistance.

Credit Monitoring subscription is not available at the moment.
Please contact our customer services for details.
Hotline: +65 6565 6262



    NRIC/ ID No. is required.

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    Please contact our customer services for details.
    Hotline: +65 6565 6262

    This company is not registered in ACRA.
    If you wish to continue, add the company to the search box on the left.


    This company is not registered in ACRA.


    Input text entered exceeds the maximum length.

    Invalid name. Special characters and numbers are not permitted.

    Kindly check on the required Individual/Company before select the required report
    There is no trace of information on this Company in our database.
    Brief Financial Extraction report is not available for Company Limited By Guarantee
    There is no trace of financial highlights on this Company in our database.

    There is no score provided on the subject in our database. Please contact customer service for more information.
    Additianol Info required
    Online purchase currently not available.
    Maximum 30 reports are allowed for every purchase.
    Dear valued customers,

    Please be informed that due to movement control order, all SSM online services will be temporary unavailable from 5:00pm, 17th March 2020 (Tuesday) until 11:59p.m, 31st March 2020 (Tuesday). Hence, this report will be not available during this period. For any assistance, please email us at

    1. The Member agrees and undertakes that it has obtained the acknowledgement and agreement from the Individual about whom the search query is being conducted, that it is the subject of a search query for fraud prevention and detection.

    2. Both the Member and the Individual are aware that the results of the transaction will be retained by Singapore Commercial Credit Bureau for audit and fraud prevention purposes.

    3. The Member acknowledges that the personal data used in the search transaction may be transferred globally for processing.

    The Search Services use sanctions data (OFAC, Specially Designated Nationals, Consolidated List, , BIS/ Commerce Denied Persons, HM Treasury Sanctions Consolidated List, European External Action Service Consolidated Lists, Ukraine State Financial Monitoring Service Blacklist, SECO Sanctions list and PEP)("Sanctions Data"). Matching against the Sanctions Data does not necessarily indicate that the individual or corporate entity ("Subject") about whom the Member has inquired is the same Subject referenced by the Sanctions Data. Accordingly, if the Member chooses to use the Sanctions Data, the Member acknowledges that any action taken by the Member regarding the Subject must be taken based on the Member's complete investigation of the Subject and not solely based on the Sanctions Data.

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    Invalid NRIC Info

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    Sorry, Financial Online report for this company is not eligible for public purchase.
    Financial Online report for this company is unavailable.
    There is no trace of XBRL financial on this company in our database.
    This subject is not available. Please extract a BizCheck or BizCheck Plus.

    Your contract has expired. Please top up to reactivate your SCCB access.

    Report Not Available Now!

    Kindly be informed that from 14 April to 12 May 2023, online order will be temporarily suspended due to system upgrade. There will be slight changes to the fulfilment timeline. Please email to to place your order or for more assistance. Thank you.

    Consent to Disclosure Agreement

    As a result of requesting information on a Malaysian company, the Subscriber have been redirected to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“D&B Malaysia”) to purchase such information. D&B Malaysia is a registered credit reporting agency in Malaysia under the Credit Reporting Agencies Act 2010 (“CRA Act”).

    Under the CRA Act, D&B Malaysia is required to give written notice to the subject of a credit report (“Data Subject”) prior to providing the credit report to the Subscriber. The Subscriber acknowledges that D&B Malaysia shall inform the Data Subject (i) the purposes of collecting the credit information and (ii) the purposes for which the credit information will be further processed. SUBSCRIBER WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE REPORT EVEN IF THE DATA SUBJECT DOES NOT PROVIDE CONSENT.

    I/We, hereby understand and acknowledge that if any of Subscriber information is disclosed to the Data Subject, it may no longer be protected by D&B Malaysia under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA”), and the Data Subject assumes responsibility for its appropriate handling and protection on the Subscriber information.

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